Twenty-eight “activists, advocates, altruists, aiders and abettors of jazz” in 26 U.S. cities have been announced today at the Jazz Journalists Association’s class of 2022 Jazz Heroes, with their portraits and appreciative texts. Simultaneously, the first episode of The Buzz: The JJA Podcast, is been made available at all common podcast sites, with new episodes scheduled to drop every two weeks.

Celebrated for their energy, imagination and resilience in supporting and sustaining jazz artistry in their local communities and beyond, the 2022 Jazz Heroes comprise broadcasters, educators, festival presenters, concert producers, a publicist, an independent scholar, and several preservers of cultural heritages, including the publisher of The Syncopated Times, chronicle of traditional jazz. They represent the breadth and depth of jazz in American culture, hailing from cities not well known for musical scenes such as larger urban hubs: Anchorage, Austin, Baltimore, Bay Area, Boise, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Durham, El Paso, Harlem, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, New Haven, New Orleans, New York City, Newport, Palm Coast, Philadelphia, Portland, San Diego, Sitka, St. Louis, Utica and Washington D.C.
The Buzz is being produced by a JJA committee led by Rick Mitchell of the nationally syndicated radio show “Jazz in the New Millennium,” and will feature jazz journalists discussing critical issues regarding music, from their professional perspectives. The first episode features Susan Brink, associate producer of the Jazz Heroes honors, talking about the initiative, and Howard Mandel, JJA president, giving background on the organization.
The JJA’s “Jazz Heroes” initiative dates to 2001, when founders of the Jazz Foundation of America were recognized for their good works. Jazz Heroes are now nominated by grass roots fans to gain the international profile afforded by the JJA’s online media efforts, and receive JJA Awards at events where they live, with the public invited.
Festivities for Jazz Heroes do not end there: The JJA is planning Super-Zoom livestream productions in which Heroes, musicians and journalists cited as winners in the 27th annual JJA Jazz Awards. Dates of the Super-Zooms to follow.
These JJA’s Jazz Spring activities are sponsored by: Berklee College of Music, the Joyce and George Wein Foundation, the Jazz Foundation of America, SFJazz, Monterey Jazz Festival and Kuumbwa Jazz, San Jose Jazz Festival, HighNote/Savant Records, Century Media Partners, the Peabody Conservatory, Stanford Jazz Workshop and Arkadia Records. Sue Auclair Promotions, JazzPromo Services, Carolyn McClair Public Relations and Braithwaite and Katz Communications also support these media campaigns.