The Jazz Journalists Association launches its 28th annual Jazz Awards season with

announcement of eight nominees and 10 Honorable Mentions in two categories of Books of the Year (2022), and an invitation to the public to join the authors in an interactive, online JJA Book of the Year (2022) Bash.
The Bash at the JJA’s unique platform on Sunday, March 26, 1 – 2:30 pm ET will feature presentations and open discussion with several nominated authors. Registration (free to JJA members and jazz book authors, $10 to others) is here.
“This was a particularly rich year for jazz and jazz-related books,” says Bob Blumenthal, JJA Board member and Chair of the five-member committee that met monthly to discuss and review current titles for advancement as Awards finalists — to be voted on by JJA professional members, with results disclosed in early May, along with winners of some 40 other JJA Awards. “It was especially encouraging to see the mix in titles from commercial and university publishers, independent presses and self-published authors.”
The Book Award nominees are:
Richard Koloda Holy Ghost: The Life and Death of Free Jazz Pioneer Albert Ayler (Jawbone Press)
Aidan Levy, Saxophone Colossus: The Life and Music of Sonny Rollins (Hachette)
Philip Watson, Bill Frisell, Beautiful Dreamer: The Guitarist Who Changed the Sound of American Music (Faber)
Michael Wolff, On That Note: A Memoir of Jazz, Tics and Survival (Redwood Publishing)
Alan John Ainsworth, Sight Readings: Photographers And American Jazz, 1900-1960 (Intellect Books)
Willard Jenkins, editor, Ain’t But A Few Of Us: Black Music Writers Tell Their Story (Duke University Press)
James Redden, Monika Herzig and Michael Kahr, editors, The Routledge Companion To Jazz And Gender (Routledge)
Kenny Werner, Becoming The Instrument: Lessons On Self-Mastery From Music To Life (Sweet Lo Press)
Attendance to the Jazz Bash has to date been confirmed by authors Koloda, Levy, Jenkins, Herzig, Kahr, Redden, Werner and Watson. Bob Blumenthal and other JJA committee members will conduct discussions.
Gretchen L. Carlson, Improvising The Score: Rethinking Modern Film Music Through Jazz (University Press of Mississippi)
Terri Lyne Carrington, New Standards: 101 Lead Sheets By Women Composers (Berklee Press)
Dave Chisholm, Into The Blue (Z2 Comics)
Mark Christman, Celeste DiNucci and Anthony Elmes, editors, Milford Graves: A Mind-Body Deal (Inventory Press/Ars Nova Workshop)
T.J. English, Dangerous Rhythms: Jazz And The Underworld (William Morrow)
Dave Liebman and Richie Beirach, Ruminations & Reflections: The Musical Journey Of Dave Liebman & Richie Beirach (Cymbal Press)
Rick Lopez, The Sam Rivers Sessionography (self published)
The Extraordinary Journey Of Jason Miles: A Musical Biography (Book Writing Cube)
James A. Vedda, You’ve Got To Hear This (Xlibris)
Scott Yanow, Life Through The Eyes Of A Jazz Journalist: My Jazz Memoirs (Amazon Pro-Hub)
The Jazz Journalists Association, the 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization for writers, broadcasters, photographers, videographers and new media professionals covering jazz and related culture, follows its Book Bash with announcement April 3 of Jazz Heroes – activists, advocates, altruists, aiders and abettors of jazz – from across the United States. Reveal of nominees for 2023 JJA Jazz Awards in categories of achievement in jazz music and jazz journalism follows in mid-April. Jazz Awards winners announced in May. Celebration of all JJA Jazz Awards winners will occur at an early summer event, to be announced.
Further information on the JJA and its 2023 Jazz Awards season is available at and, as well as the JJA’s social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Address inquiries to Howard Mandel,